R I P P L E S - F M S

MIS in transport management 

MIS in transport management software is an information system used for decision-making and for the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in logistics management. MIS in logistics helps in strategic planning, management control, operational control, and transaction processing. It helps in clerical transaction processing. It answers queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record, and references on a variety of documents.

If you are the owner of a small business transport logistics & freight management unit, you may at times find it difficult to analyze the operational aspects of the organization and make wrong decisions. Sometimes you may have to contact multiple employees to understand the state of your own organization. And if your organization has multiple branches, your focus may not be on everything. For this, many employees will have to be deployed in different places.

MIS in logistics management, freight forwarding software

We have introduced MIS module in logistics management as a solution to all this. Transport order management dashboard delivers a combination of powerful and flexible reports, operational, and financial information about your logistics transport management business, available at your fingertips using logistics data visualisation tools.

MIS captures data from various internal and external sources of an organization.  The captured data is processed to convert it into the required management information. Processing of data is done by such activities as calculating, comparing, sorting, classifying, and summarizing.

MIS in transport management

Enhanced performance and impressive data visualization set MIS apart from other applications. Freight logistics MIS systems deliver the information you need at your fingertips seamlessly with any smart‌ device you have anywhere in your hand. MIS works very fast on your smartphones, Laptop and desktop systems.

Distance never matters for this. In any country, MIS will continue to provide live and old information about your organization. What sets our Logistics MIS apart from other applications is its easy operation and interactive data visualization tools for fleet management dashboard

Any user, with appropriate access rights, can log in and can understand how Logistics MIS works within minutes.  You do not have the permission required to post. MIS provides the information needed to make any small or important decision regarding an organization. Helps to make a fast decision and get triggers to help reduce cargo logistics theft.

For example, if you run a hospital from patient information to Institutional receipts and expenses are also available on hospital MIS  It shows the movement of the organization, the comparison of new and old information, the remaining statistics to be obtained, and thus all the information of a small and large organization very easily and quickly.

The benefits to an organization with MIS in logistics with (Time, Revenue, manpower )  data visualization and The importance of the information also brings the user closer to the MIS in freight management operations control.

MIS data visualization tools retrieve information from its stores as and when required by various users. As per the requirements of the managerial team.

There are a lot of answers to why deploying logistics data visualization solutions

– Easily create MIS Reports
– Analyze data using drag & drop
– Apply powerful filters & functions
– Share MIS Reports with your team
– Supports local, remote, or cloud data
– Monitor information in real-time
– Secure applications  & GDPR compliance in logistics
– Rapid Deployment and ease of use
– Access MIS reports on web browser
– Suitable for any kind of business
– Build MIS Reports directly from a web browser

Ripples-FMS - MIS in transport management, and data visualisation tools

– Management information system is a set of systems that helps management at different levels to make better decisions by providing the necessary information to managers. A management information system is not a monolithic entity but a collection of systems that provide the user with a monolithic feel as far as information delivery, transmission and storage are concerned.

– The different subsystems working in the background have different objectives but work in concert with each other to satisfy the overall requirement of managers for good quality information.

– MIS in transport management & freight logistics provides background information on a variety of issues and helps to improve the decision-making quality of management. The accurate information supplied by MIS is leveraged by the managers to make quicker and better decisions thereby improving the decision-making quality and adding to the bottom line of the company.

– MIS helps managers to conduct their tasks with greater ease and with improved efficiency. This reflects better productivity for the freight management companies in Kenya, Malawi. Zambia, Mozambique, and other countries in East Africa.

– MIS Reporting Tools work on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Being web-based, it allows users to analyze and report data on all major web browsers and tablets. MIS provides access to critical business information in real-time MIS reports, anywhere, anytime. It lets users perform analysis and reporting using whatever device or web browser is part of their daily working life.

– MIS in transport management software with data visualisation & reporting Tools enable users to extract and summarize data from the organization’s transaction processing and other management information systems directly from a web browser. No need to move or upload your data

– MIS provides managers with better visibility with the rest of the organization. Online MIS is an easy-to-use MIS reporting tool. You can quickly build custom reports from various Management Information Systems in the organization. Access Logistics MIS Reports using a web browser and securely share them with others. Export reports in multiple formats. 

Easily create a summary and detailed reports from all levels and departments in the organization. Managers and executives can monitor their departments and teams through MIS reporting and improve business processes quickly.