Know about Transport management software success stories in Africa
Transport management success stories
Presenting our Transport management software success stories across East Africa, India, and Asia Pacific regions. We provide warehouse automation, transport logistics, software, MIS dashboard Systems,fleet management and cargo tracking software for achieving cost savings and logistics operational excellence for these regions. Freight management software trial available on request.
Ripples-FMS has provided us with an online freight forwarder logistics, and invoice portal solution. Our implementation success stories have helped streamline customer-facing functions, giving us a competitive advantage over other logistics management companies in the Mozambique region. Read more on client portal deployment in the logistics industry using freight management software for free training and implementation.
Welcome the following new clients to TMS software on cloud
Unicargo Limitada – Unicargo is a cargo haulage company with its headquarters in Beira. The company provides safe and reliable transport for containerized, bulk and project cargo within Mozambique and beyond borders (Zimbabwe, Zambia & Malawi). Also handles to transport of OOG and abnormal loads using low beds to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, and DRC. Unicargo consists of over 300 trucks in its fleet.
Eurotresa LDA – Eurotresa is a logistics company that links the port of Beira in Mozambique with neighboring countries like Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa. Eurotresa operations consist of 50 trucks in their fleet.
Integrated Transport Management Software
J&J Transports, Mozambique
Supporting for 11 years now. Among the largest Freight management & logistics providers in the Southern Africa region, with a fleet of 1500+ trucks plying to many countries in the region. Provided fleet management software with smart client, cloud-hosted solutions for optimising operations, finance, claims management, workshop, stores, human resources, warehouse management, and customer rate management. A dedicated on-site team of project managers and developers.
TCM Transportes, Mozambique
We recently implemented an integrated cloud based transport ERP software solution for a leading logistics and transportation provider in Africa with the support of a local system integrator. The client has more than two hundred trucks in their fleet and operates across various parts of Africa. Optimizing logistics operations, some of the modules implemented include HR, Inventory, Finance, and warehouse management modules. Deployed logistics and freight forwarding software.
Sun Line Logistics, Zambia
Sun Line International Logistics, a Chinese pioneer in Logistics and Transportation recently approached us for a Freight management software for their African division, United Trillions Zambia. Currently operates around 100 trucks in and around Zambia. Operations, HR, and Workshop Inventory are some of the main modules targeted for achieving logistics operational excellence through our implementation success stories.
Sharma Transports & freight broker software
Truck and luxury bus operator with a huge Volvo fleet carrying passengers. The payload also consists of consumer goods. We provided end to end Freight Management ERP solution for booking, delivery, and accounting resulting in cost savings.
ABT Parcel services
Over 500 branches across India, we take the credit of building their first, fully networked parcel management software. . Consignment booking, dispatch, delivery, transshipment, and goods reconciliation software in the year 1995 for ABT Parcel. Provided great improvements in operations, back office, accounts, and workshops. Brought about real cost savings. We did a technology transfer and their in-house department takes care of maintenance.
KRS Pvt. ltd - TMS software
Our first Freight Management software case studies. Supporting the client for over 25 years now with an efficient fleet management solution. The central repository of transactions such as bookings, delivery, dispatch, transshipment, and central audit. 200+ branches across India for cost savings. 24 x 7 operations. Dedicated help desk and development team.